Drop deck trailers come in a variety of length and height combos as well as your choice of aluminum or steel. These customizations help us build a trailer that best suits your fleet’s needs. From adding customized options to tailoring a specialty trailer – our drop deck trailers are ready to make the heavy-duty trips.
The 4000AE Drop Deck from Utility weighs less than some all-aluminum trailers for the cost of a combo. With the same crossmember system as their traditional 4000AE combo flatbed, this drop deck provides strength and versatility.
Drop Deck UTility
The 4000AE Drop Deck from Utility weighs less than some all-aluminum trailers for the cost of a combo. With the same crossmember system as their traditional 4000AE combo flatbed, this drop deck provides strength and versatility.
Jet Drop Deck.
Known for their strength and performance, the steel drop deck flatbed trailers from Jet are produced using two solid steel beams. This single be a manufacturing process creates a flatbed that will provide superior performance year after year.